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It’s 2014.

Happy New Year!

(Insert obligatory exclamations about where did the time go etc. etc.)

Another new year but this year is different to the five before it in that there will be no new series of Being Human to look forward to.

(Small sob)

placesThe fanbase is still there, still strong, still obsessed faithful!  Probably still arguing over who was Mitchell’s true love (Josie), had Herrick really lost his memory (no, well, sort of), were they really human (No!) (NO!) and exactly how old was Ivan?!  The answer to that one is: it depends…  If you believe series two he’s 237 but if you believe Toby – and why wouldn’t we* – he’s over 400 as he said here.

* He has been known to be a touch misleading…

ivan flashbackThere is still tutting over toxic werewolf blood, summoning/banishing/imprisoning/whatever the devil rituals, off stage deaths (Oh, Pineapples…) and whatever happened to Arthur the archivist?  (OK, maybe that one’s just me.)  There are still damp gussets galore over Mitchell and Hal… although not mine.  That won’t surprise you much but to be honest I’ll keep the state of my gusset to myself thanks.

If none of the above makes sense to you – welcome!  Now go back and catch up.  I’ll wait.

origami werewolfPeople are still visiting this little blog – for which I am very grateful and always slightly surprised – but now Being Human is over there won’t be regular updates.  However – if, or more likely when, something occurs to me (which I’m pretty sure it will) I’ll still post.  If you’re interested do follow and you’ll get a notification as and when there’s anything new. (Sales pitch over – as you were.)

In fact to whet your appetite there is a new post brewing at the moment – I’ve been thinking about the Being Human humans…

Watch this space.

Not literally.  You can go and sit down somewhere comfy.

Be seeing you!


It seems timely to go right back to the beginning – and the three prequels for our original trio…  (Not forgetting Herrick’s first appearance of course!)